Book Reviews

Top 5 Place Branding Books to Read in 2016

Selection of five place branding books to read in 2016: Must reads for those charged with the difficult task of place branding, economic development or public diplomacy.

Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice (2nd Edition)

Short introduction and summary of Nation Branding - Concepts, Issues, Practice (2nd edition) by Keith Dinnie - book published by Routledge, September 2015.

Marketing Places: Cities, States and Nations

A short review and summary of Marketing Places book by Philip Kotler, Donald Haider, Irving Rein, first published in 1993, and in a revised edition in 2002.

Rethinking Place Branding: Brand Development for Cities and Regions

Book review: Rethinking Place Branding: Brand Development for Cities and Regions by Mihalis Kavaratzis, Gregory Ashworth, Gary Warnaby (Springer 2015).

Book Review: International Place Branding Yearbook Series

Short introduction of the International Place Branding Yearbook Series by Robert Govers and Frank Go, published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Destination Branding For Small Cities by Bill Baker: Book Review

Review of Destination Branding for Small Cities (2nd edition), a book by city branding and destination marketing expert Bill Baker (USA). Highly recommended.

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