Insights & Advice

Who Owns a Country or City Brand?

Who owns city or nation brands? Brand ownership is a complex topic. Here's what world's leading place brand specialists think about it.

Global Green Economy Index 2018: Key Findings, Tendencies, Methodology

Jeremy Tamanini of DualCitizen discusses the key findings and results of the 2018 Global Green Economy Index: winners, losers and trends.

Sustainability Performance: How Important For Destination Reputation?

How important is a destination's sustainability performance for its reputation? Sustainable tourism experts share their views.

Destination Sustainability: How Important For Competitiveness?

How does a destination's sustainability performance influence its competitiveness? We asked our panel of sustainable tourism experts. Here their answers.

Smart Cities and Place Branding: Which are the Opportunities and Challenges?

Smart cities and place branding: opportunities and challenges. Leading place brand experts share their thoughts on the usefulness of the smart city concept.

How Do Emotions Influence Place Branding Success?

What role do emotions play in place branding? How important are they for its success? Here the views of place brand experts around the world.

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