Insights & Advice

Digital Country Index 2017: Winners, Losers and Trends

José Filipe Torres, CEO of Madrid-based place branding advisory firm Bloom Consulting, discusses the winners and losers of the Digital Country Index 2017.

Which Are the Best Cities in America to Live, Work and Study in 2017?

Which are the best cities in America to live, work and study in 2017? Chris Fair of Resonance Consultancy summarizes key findings in the Best Cities Report.

Country Brands 2017: Who Leads in Tourism and Trade? Winners and Trends

Jose Torres of Bloom Consulting discusses the 2017 Country Brand Ranking for Tourism and Trade: the country brand winners, losers and trends.

How to Measure Place Branding Impact Through Rankings and Indices

Overview of indices and rankings which can be useful for measuring the impact and effectiveness of place branding activities, by Robert Govers.

Jeremy Tamanini on the Green Economy, Sustainability and Country Reputation

Jeremy Tamanini shares his thoughts on the Green Economy, sustainability performance and the implications for city competitiveness and country reputation.

Cities of Influence: Talent Attraction Winners and Priorities in Europe

Roger Hobkinson of Colliers International discusses European cities, talent attraction leaders and the priorities for city developers and brand managers.

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