Insights & Advice

Public-Private Spaces: How Cafés Could Inspire Place Branding

Amelia Green explores how cafés, dancing the divide between private and public space, could inspire place branding in Australia and beyond.

7 Deadly Problems of Place Branding Projects: Lessons from Guadalajara

Guadalajara, Mexico’s second-largest city, recently launched its new brand, only to experience significant public backlash. Gunter Soydanbay offers seven reasons why the city branding project is likely to fail, and how it could be saved.

The Beauty of the Less Significant — City Branding by Other Means

Christopher Hire calls for city branding which is playful, light and experimental. Learn from giants like Paris, or minnows in Japan.

7 Tips on How to Make a Career in Place Branding: Leading Professionals Give Advice

Expert advice on how to make a career in place branding - both research and practice. Essential knowledge for future place managers, place marketers, economic developers and public diplomacy professionals.

7 Golden Rules for Marketing Sustainable Destinations

Jeremy Smith shares seven golden rules for marketing sustainable destinations - essential advice on how to communicate sustainability in travel and tourism.

Recap City Nation Place Forum 2016 – Insights for Place Brand Professionals

Learn about key place branding insights, examples and global trends in this recap of the City Nation Place Forum which took place in London, November 2016.

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