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Location Showcases

Peru as Destination, its National Identity and Branding: Country Report

In our Peru country report we investigate where Peru is coming from and where it is going, how it has managed to build itself such a strong and favorable reputation as destination for foodies. A series of interviews with Peruvian observers and changemakers.

Chile Reaching for the Stars: Astrotourism as Destination Branding Opportunity

Astrotourism - a destination branding opportunity for Chile and its Coquimbo region in the north. Join us on a special tour and learn about what it takes to become (known) as one of the world's prime places for getting a glimpse at the universe.

Uruguay a Good Place to Live, Invest or Visit? Country Report

Uruguay: how attractive for visitors, investors, international talent? Answers to those and similar questions in this Uruguay country report, featuring general information and in-depth interviews with government officials, investors, entrepreneurs and producers.

Barcelona Destination Showcase on Tourism Sustainability

Barcelona destination showcase on the Catalan capital's sustainable tourism strategy, with insights from Sustainability Leaders United.
- Place Brand Leaders 2024 Yearbook -spot_img

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