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Research Updates

Quo Vadis? Ioulia Elmatzoglou on Nation Branding and Brand EU

Ioulia Elmatzoglou shares her research insights into how nation branding practice is changing, and how it is used to support the image and brand of the European Union.

Emma Björner on Sustainable Tourism and Place Branding

Emma Björner shares her insights on city branding practices in China and how to involve relevant stakeholders meaningfully into place branding and sustainable tourism initiatives.

My Reflections on the 4th International Place Branding Conference in Greece, November 2019

A short reflection on the 4th International Place Branding conference which took place in Volos, Greece, 27-29 November 2019.

Sustainability as Place Brand Position: Research Insights from Thailand

Research update on sustainability as place brand position in urban Thailand, the importance of sustainability in place branding and the challenges.

How Tourism Advertising Impacts Destination Image and Country Reputation: Example Bangladesh

How can tourism advertising be used in destination branding and to impact perceptions and reputation of countries? Here key insights from a recent study on the case of Bangladesh.

How Travel Bloggers and Influencers Shake Up Destination Marketing: Research Update

How vloggers and online influencers are shaking up destination marketing practices, and the do's and don'ts DMOs should consider when working with travel bloggers. Rachel Luna Peralta of the Macau Institute for Tourism Studies shares her research findings.
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