City Branding
City branding can be complex, messy and quite a challenge, but in a globalized, ultra-connected world it is also becoming increasingly important. The following articles offer expert insights, case studies and essential information for city branding professionals and researchers, including thoughts on city image and reputation rankings.
Gregory Pomerantsev on Aviation, Travel and Place Branding
Gregory Pomerantsev on city brands, airBaltic, Belarus country branding and the role of aviation and airlines in place branding
4 Things Australia Can Teach Asia in City Branding – And Vice Versa
Christopher Hire on city branding and urban development in Australia and Asia, and what Australian and Asian cities can learn from each other.
How to Communicate Your Innovation City Brand in 5 Steps
How to communicate your innovation city brand in five simple steps - city marketing expert advice by Christopher Hire of 2thinknow consultancy.
Nikolaj Lubanski of Copenhagen Capacity on Talent Attraction: Strategies, Trends and Challenges
Nikolaj Lubanski of Copenhagen Capacity about talent attraction strategies, trends and challenges.
7 Placemaking and Visitor Experience Lessons from Eastern Europe
Christopher Hire on placemaking, city branding and visitor experience in Eastern European cities: challenges and opportunities.
Jeannette Hanna of Trajectory Consulting on Creating Authentic Place Brands
Jeannette Hanna, chief strategist at Trajectory Consulting, discusses authentic place brands and the link between place branding, placemaking and place management.