Place Branding Examples

Talent Attraction: How the International Citizen Hub Lund Helps to Attract Talent to Southern Sweden

Lisa Andersson in this interview introduces us to the work of the International Citizen Hub Lund, a leading talent attraction and retention initiative in southern Sweden. Learn how they do it, which challenges they face, and how they overcome those.

Peru: From Heritage to Culinary Fame

In our Peru country report we investigate where Peru is coming from and where it is going, how it has managed to build itself such a strong and favorable reputation as destination for foodies. A series of interviews with Peruvian observers and changemakers.

Chile: Reaching for the Stars with Astrotourism

Astrotourism - a destination branding opportunity for Chile and its Coquimbo region in the north. Join us on a special tour and learn about what it takes to become (known) as one of the world's prime places for getting a glimpse at the universe.

Anna Gissler on How Stockholm Business Region Leads in Talent Attraction

In this interview Anna Gissler, Acting CEO of Stockholm Business Region (with the two subsidiaries Visit Stockholm and Invest Stockholm) shares her thoughts on success factors, challenges and trends in city branding - which, as she says, really isn't about logos or slogans.

Mia Kemppaala, Founder of Polar Bear Pitching in Oulu, Finland

Mia Kemppaala, founder of Polar Bear Pitching in the city of Oulu in Finland's north, tells us how the event came all about, why Polar Bear Pitching has become so important for the city and why it is important to sometimes take a jump into the cold water, embracing the unknown.

How Eindhoven Uses City Branding Strategies for Economic Development and Community Self-Esteem

Peter Kentie on how the Dutch city of Eindhoven is using city branding strategies for its economic development as hotspot for high tech and design, and how it is contributing to stronger community self-esteem.

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