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Amanda Ellis on Livability Priorities and the Rise of Small Cities in the US

Amanda Ellis on what livability means and why smaller cities and towns are thriving with regard to attractiveness for talent and investment.

Adriana Acosta on 10 Years of the Essential Costa Rica Country Brand

Country Brand Director of PROCOMER, Adriana Acosta on the Essential Costa Rica country brand evolution over the past 10 years, and its future priorities.

Ryan Short on Placemaking and City Branding Practice in the US

Ryan Short, CEO of CivicBrand, shares his thoughts on Placemaking and City Branding Practice in the US. With insights into community-led place branding.

Olga Rauhut Kompaniets on Place Branding and Sustainability in the Nordics

Olga Rauhut Kompaniets shares how place branding is practiced in the Nordics, with a focus on community involvement and sustainable development.

Rod Crider on Economic Development in the USA: Then and Now

Rod Crider of Rowan County EDC on economic development practice in the USA: how it has changed over time, keys to success and how it differs across regions.

Todd Babiak on How Brand Tasmania Took Off: Its Development and Storytelling

Todd Babiak explains how Brand Tasmania took off by actively listening to the region's residents and businesses - leading to a strong place brand.
- Place Brand Leaders 2024 Yearbook -spot_img

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