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Location Showcases

South Africa: Land of Diversity and Opportunity

Discover South Africa's investment opportunities, brand reputation and why it stands out as a destination for business, tourism, and living.

Why Switzerland? Country Report

Why choose Switzerland as place to live, work or invest in? In this report we introduce you to the country's vision, ambitions and its brand strengths.

Why Graz? Andrea Keimel on the Austrian City’s Brand Strengths and Business Opportunities

What makes the city of Graz in Austria attractive as a business location? Andrea Keimel illustrates the city's brand strengths and appeal as place to live and invest in.

Barcelona: A Good Place to Live, Invest or Visit?

Barcelona: how attractive for visitors, investors, talent? How does it approach city branding and destination marketing? How does it fare in global benchmarking studies? Special report.

Auckland: A City Branding Success Story from Aotearoa New Zealand

Winner of City Nation Place's ‘Place Brand of the Year 2020’ award, every stage of building Auckland's city brand is notable. In this interview, Shelley Watson, Head of Marketing and Clare Barker, Brand Manager at Auckland Unlimited explain how their award-winning city brand came into being.

Slovenia: Smart Destination Branding for Sustainable Tourism – Special Report

Slovenia: how the popular European destination is using smart destination branding to support sustainable tourism, and how its focus on sustainability is benefiting its appeal and reputation. Special report on why Slovenia focuses on sustainability, how they do it, and lessons learned: keys to success and pitfalls to avoid.
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