
Larissa Perdomo on Brand Uruguay and Country Branding

Interview with Larissa Perdomo, Director of Country Brand Uruguay XXI, on Brand Uruguay and how the South American nation approaches country branding.

Gonzalo Vilar on Country Brands, Place Branding and Digital Demand

Gonzalo Vilar of Bloom Consulting in Madrid shares his experience of helping countries develop and manage their branding, and discusses the role of digital demand.

Edith Wong of Invest Hong Kong on FDI and Talent Attraction Strategies

Edith Wong, Chief Marketing Officer at Invest Hong Kong, illustrates how "Asia's World City" positions itself as attractive place for foreign direct investment and businesses.

Steven Pedigo on City Branding, Economic Development and Urban Sustainability

Steven Pedigo of the NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate discusses city branding, economic development, talent attraction and urban sustainability.

Stefan Roesch on Films, Destination Marketing and Tourism Opportunities

Stefan Roesch of New Zealand in this interview highlights the connections between films (feature films and TV productions), destination marketing and tourism.

Thorsten Kausch on Hamburg, MICE and the Future of City Marketing

Thorsten Kausch, Hamburg, discusses the changing role of city marketing, how urban sustainability imapcts the attractiveness of cities as MICE destinations.

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