
Rodney Payne on City Branding, the Climate Emergency and Destination Sustainability

Rodney Payne of Destination Think on successful city branding, the climate emergency and destination sustainability.

Dariel Curren on the Benefits of EDO-DMO Collaboration and Smart Place Branding Initiatives

Dariel Curren of Development Councillors International in the U.S. discusses the future of talent attraction, economic development and tourism marketing.

Vasyl Myroshnychenko on Ukraine, Nation Branding and the Power of Strategic Communication

Vasyl Myroshnychenko shares insights into the role of strategic communication as part of nation branding, and public diplomacy in the context of Ukraine.

Sirpa Tsimal on Switzerland’s Approach to FDI and the Power of Innovation

Sirpa Tsimal of Switzerland Global Enterprise on the future of IPA's and how innovation can help to attract foreign direct investment and talent.

Rafael Enzler on Placemaking in Switzerland

Rafael Enzler of gutundgut on the meaning of placemaking, the trends - such as growing demand for sustainability - impacting the work of place makers and -branders, and why museums are such an important ingredient of a city's image and identity.

How International House Tampere Attracts Talent to Southern Finland: In Conversation with Nuppu Suvanto

Nuppu Suvanto of International House Tampere in Finland on how the organization helps the city to attract talent - students, skilled workers and entrepreneurs.

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