
Florian Kaefer on Nation Branding and the Origins of The Place Brand Observer

Florian Kaefer in this interview shares good practice examples in nation- and country branding and tells the story of The Place Brand Observer - how it started and what it stands for.

Per Ekman on the Future of Place Brand and Identity Management

Per Ekman of Tendensor in Sweden, on how he created the framework of Place Brand and Identity Management (PIM) in times of innovation and change.

Constanza Cea on How Chile is Creating Future

Constanza Cea shares how Chile is positioning its country brand(ing) towards clean energy and other aspects of sustainability, attracting new investment and global attention.

Rodney Payne on City Branding, the Climate Emergency and Destination Sustainability

Rodney Payne of Destination Think on successful city branding, the climate emergency and destination sustainability.

Dariel Curren on the Benefits of EDO-DMO Collaboration and Smart Place Branding Initiatives

Dariel Curren of Development Councillors International in the U.S. discusses the future of talent attraction, economic development and tourism marketing.

Vasyl Myroshnychenko on Ukraine, Nation Branding and the Power of Strategic Communication

Vasyl Myroshnychenko shares insights into the role of strategic communication as part of nation branding, and public diplomacy in the context of Ukraine.

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