Current State of Place Branding Practice in Latin America

Leading place brand developers, managers and marketers share their opinion on the current state of place branding practice in Latin America.

Current State of Place Branding Practice in North America

Leading place brand developers, managers and marketers share their opinion on the current state of place branding practice in North America.

Graffiti, Place Brand Authenticity and Creative Placemaking

Is commissioning graffiti authentic? And how can it support city brands? Amelia Green examines graffiti from a place branding perspective, with examples from Manila and Australia.

City Branding: To Flag or Not to Flag?

To flag or not to flag? Amelia Green investigates how city flags are used for place branding in cities such as Chicago (USA) and Gold Coast, Australia.

Place Brand Measurement and the Disconnect Between Place Branding Research and Practice

Efe Sevin reflects on the place brand measurement challenge and the growing gap between place branding practice and research (academia).

Thoughts on 2015 Place Marketing and Branding Manifesto

Spot on: 2015 Place Marketing and Branding Manifesto by Best Place Institute & leading place branding scholars and experts: definitions, concepts, goals.

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