Global Soft Power Index 2024: Key Trends and What They Mean

The Global Soft Power Index 2024 – the annual flagship event by Brand Finance – sheds light on how countries around the world are seen by others, in terms of their soft power.

This year, it’s clear that having a strong economy and being a good place for business matters more than ever. Countries that are known for their stable economies, popular products, and business-friendly environments are leading the ranks.

The United States and the United Kingdom continue to hold the top spots, showing that despite their challenges, they remain influential and admired. However, this year’s report also points out areas where they need to improve, especially in how they are perceived in terms of safety and international relations.

One of the biggest surprises this year is China moving up to third place, thanks to its growing influence in business, trade, and education. But, the report also highlights that China has work to do in becoming more likable on the global stage.

Countries like Qatar, Turkey, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia have made impressive gains by focusing on their soft power strategies. They remind us that with the right approach, it’s possible to significantly improve how a country is perceived worldwide.

On the other hand, large nations like India, Brazil, and South Africa are struggling to reach their potential in soft power. They are well-known and influential regionally, but they need to work on their global reputation.

The report also shows that conflicts and wars can hurt a country’s soft power. For example, Russia, Ukraine, and Israel have seen their positions affected due to ongoing conflicts.

Brand Finance’s David Haigh sharing key insights from the Soft Power Index 2024 at the Global Soft Power Summit in London, Feb 29, 2024

What does this all mean? The Global Soft Power Index 2024 is not just a list of rankings; it’s a guide for countries to understand and improve their standing in the world. It’s about how countries can become more attractive and respected on the global stage.

For those interested in diving deeper into these insights and the Soft Power Index 2024, visit

Did you know? Brand Finance is also the title sponsor of the Place Brand Leaders Yearbook 2024, showing its commitment to exploring the power of place brands. You can find the yearbook at, where we explore the strategies that make cities, regions and countries stand out.

Looking for the bigger picture? We invite you to explore our Country Observatory – it will give you snapshots of the most relevant rankings on specific countries.


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