Place Branding Examples

Why Successful Placemaking Needs A Meaningful Brand, Not A Mere Logo

Placemaking specialist Andrew Hoyne on why successful place development needs a meaningful brand and not a mere logo, with case studies from Australia.

Place Branding Examples – How to Do It

Explore global place branding examples and discover strategies for brand development, management, monitoring, and stakeholder engagement.

City Branding Case Study: The Story of Edmonton, Canada

In this case study on city branding, learn about the award-winning storytelling and city brand development approach of the city of Edmonton in Canada.

Reflections on the International Branding Strategy of the Nordic Region

Research summary and region branding case study by Johannes Magnus on the international brand positioning strategy of the Nordic region in Europe.

Differentiating the Place Brand: Insights from the Revived Gold Coast (Australia) City Brand Story

Amelia Green reflects on the role of city brand storytellers in place branding, and illustrates how storytelling can be enhanced by local media, such as in the case of Blank GC, reviving the Gold Coast city brand story.

How to Brand a City Region: Example ONLYLYON, France

City branding case study - example Lyon, France. Learn about city brand development and management by ONLYLYON: its mission, approach, challenges and successes.

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