
Andy Pike on Place Brands and Regional Development

Andy Pike, Director of the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) at Newcastle University in the UK explains how the concept of "Origination" serves as link between local and regional development and place brands.

Nigel Morgan on Destination Brands, Brexit, and Sporting Events

Nigel Morgan in this interview shares his thoughts on destination brands, the United Kingdom, Wales and the importance of sporting events for places and their brands.

Sonya Hanna on Strategic Place Brand Management

Sonya Hanna, Lecturer in Marketing at Bangor University, Wales (United Kingdom), introduces her Strategic Place Brand Management Model, reflects on the current state of place branding research and how the digital age has changed the practice of place promotion.

Albert Salman on Green Destinations and Sustainable Tourism Leadership

Albert Salman explains what makes a destination "green", its benefits and challenges, and how the new Green Destinations initiative supports the sustainable development and management of tourism destinations.

Simon Anholt on the Good Country Index and the Global Vote

Simon Anholt on his latest projects, the Global Vote and the Good Country Index, whose second version was published last week. In the interview Simon Anholt reflects on trends and the challenges of measuring how good - or bad - countries are for the global community.

Todd Mayfield on Branded Wayfinding for Destinations

Todd Mayfield, Principal and Group Creative Director of Axia Creative, talks about the key attributes, the challenges and trends in destination and city branding.

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