
Buck Song Koh on Nation Branding and Brand Singapore

In this interview with Buck Song Koh, learn about Brand Singapore, its country reputation, the role of placemaking, and nation branding practices in Asia.

Saskia Sassen on Global Cities: Opportunities, Challenges and Consequences

Saskia Sassen of Columbia University on global cities: opportunities, challenges and consequences, and her recent book, Expulsions.

Gary Warnaby on City Marketing and Branding Retail Destinations

Learn about city marketing and how to manage and brand retail destinations in cities in this interview with Gary Warnaby, Professor at the Manchester Metropolitan University Business School in the UK.

Gonzalo Brujó on Place Branding Strategies and Factors Determining Brand Strength

Gonzalo Brujó of Interbrand Consultancy, about how to measure the effectiveness and ROI of place branding, and the value of country brands.

Gildo Seisdedos, Professor at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain

City marketing and city management are the focus of this interview with Gildo Seisdedos, Professor at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain, and a solicited advisor on smart city trends and challenges.

Joshua Miller of the U.S. State Department on Research-Driven Diplomacy

Joshua Miller of the US State Department on why sound market research is so important for state agencies and bureaus and how it can support the work of public diplomacy professionals.

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