
Malcolm Allan on City Branding and Placemaking in Great Britain

Place branding expert Malcolm Allan of Place Matters in the UK in this interview shares his experience and thoughts on city development and destination branding.

Bill Baker on Destination Branding for Small Cities

Place branding expert Bill Baker on his bestselling book, Destination Branding for Small Cities, plus exclusive insights into his work.

Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko on City Branding as Strategic Management Tool for Local Governments

Finnish researcher and academic Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko in this interview discusses his most recent book "The Political Economy of City Branding" (Routledge).

Simon Anholt on Governments, Nations, Responsibility

TED talk by Simon Anholt on governments, country reputation and why countries and nations need to act as responsible, caring members of global community.

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