
José Pablo Arango Calle on Country Branding and the Reputation of Colombia

Learn about Colombia's image, reputation and country branding initiatives in this interview with José Pablo Arango Calle of ProColombia.

Jeannette Hanna of Trajectory Consulting on Creating Authentic Place Brands

Jeannette Hanna, chief strategist at Trajectory Consulting, discusses authentic place brands and the link between place branding, placemaking and place management.

Charles Landry on City Brands, Creative Cities and the Urban Age

Charles Landry in this interview reflects on the challenges and opportunities of the Creative City, the Urban Age, and the role of city branding.

Anupam Yog on the Branding of Nations and Destinations in Asia

Anupam Yog in this interview offers a very detailed account of place brand initiatives in Asia, especially Singapore, and discusses the challenges, tendencies and opportunities.

Statia Elliot on the Evolution of Destination Marketing and DMOs

Statia Elliot from the School of Hospitality, Food & Tourism Management at the University of Guelph in Canada, discusses the evolution of destination marketing, DMOs and the importance of place branding.

Ben Knapp of Saffron Consultants on Placemaking and Place Branding

Ben Knapp of Saffron Brand Consultants discusses nation branding challenges and the importance of placemaking and asset creation, rather than 'merely' promoting cities or countries.

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