
Marcus Osborne on Country Brands and Nation Branding in Asia

Marcus Osborne, brand consultant based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in this interview discusses nation branding challenges in Asia, Brand Malaysia and the power of the country-of-origin effect.

David Adam on City Branding, Urban Management and Better Cities

David Adam, city development and branding consultant, discusses the future of cities and strategies for investment attraction and place brand positioning.

Eugene D. Jaffe on Israel, Country Image and the Country-of-Origin Effect

Eugene D. Jaffe, Professor at the Ruppin Academic Center, discusses country image, the case of Israel and the power of the country-of-origin effect.

Chris Fair on the Branding and Marketing of Cities and Destinations

Interview with Chris Fair, President of Resonance Consultancy in New York, on destination branding and city marketing trends and challenges.

Nicolas Papadopoulos on Country Image Research and Nation Branding Trends

Nicolas Papadopoulos, Chancellor's Professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, in this interview discusses country image research in America and nation branding challenges and trends.

Jeff Finkle on Economic Development Practices in the USA

Jeff Finkle, President and CEO of the International Economic Development Council, on the economic development profession, challenges and trends.

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