
Frank Cutitta on City Branding and How to Build Smart and Resilient Cities

Frank Cutitta in this interview discusses the meaning of smart cities, the role of city branding and how to use it for building resilient cities.

Jeremy Hildreth, the Indiana Jones of Branding

Jeremy Hildreth, "the Indiana Jones of Branding" in this interview discusses his work as place brand consultant and shares his thoughts on Simon Anholt and Wally Olins.

Gustavo Koniszczer on Country Branding in Latin America

Country branding expert Gustavo Koniszczer of FutureBrand reflects on country brands in Latin America: place brand development, trends and challenges.

Jörgen Eriksson & Svetlana Masjutina: A Dialogue on the Evolution of Place Management and Branding

Place Management experts Jörgen Eriksson and Svetlana Masjutina discuss place branding cases, challenges, and trends.

Martin Boisen on City Branding, Marketing and Place Management

Martin Boisen reflects on his career as city branding scholar and advisor and shares his thoughts on the evolving field of place branding and marketing.

Keith Dinnie, Place Branding Scholar and Advisor

Keith Dinnie in this interview shares his thoughts on the evolution of city branding practice and nation branding strategies, and offers best practice examples.

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