
Ali Fisher on Big Data, Networks, Public Diplomacy and Country Image

Ali Fisher, Principal Data Scientist at VORTEX (University of Vienna) and CPD Research Fellow at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (University of Southern California), about big data, new networks and the resulting opportunities - and challenges - for public diplomacy professionals.

Hjörtur Smárason on Place Branding, Brand Africa and Future Cities

Hjörtur Smárason talks about place branding and the prospects of African cities regarding sustainable urban planning, development and innovation.

Inga Hlín Pálsdóttir on Destination Branding and Iceland

Inga Hlin Palsdottir, Director at Promote Iceland, about her experiences of promoting Iceland as destination and developing the country's nation brand positioning.

Christopher Hire on Cities, Innovation and City Branding

Christopher Hire, Executive Director of 2thinknow Innovation Agency, talks about city attractiveness, economic development and the main challenges cities face with regard to brand image and reputation.

Jordi Xifra on Place Reputation, Public Diplomacy and Catalonia

Professor Jordi Xifra of Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, on place reputation, public relations research, nation building and the case of Catalonia.

Nancy Snow on Japan, Nation Brands and Public Diplomacy

Public diplomacy expert Nancy Snow shares her thoughts on Japan, nation branding in Asia and the role of storytelling in brand positioning.

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